Thursday, September 15, 2011


Financial forecasts and financial projections are estimated future financial statements of the company that presents its expected financial position. Financial forecasts assume that the company will continue to function in the same manner as it is currently functioning and in financial projections there are few hypothetical assumptions about a company's future course of action.
 Based on the above, where does the global economy stands, and who decides the global credibility, and if they so do, who decides their credibility? 
 Our economic stand needs a lot to be desired.Why we have these myopic politicians squabble over the state of economy, and the direction it is going, some mystic force is out there predicting our doom.
We are a nation of agree to disagree, but serve each other, but our new generation of political aspirants have completely forgotten our history, and embraced their selfish,discriminative, secret motives; willing to let greed, gluttony, and mischief takeover service to all.
Create hope and future for our future generations. We don't need a legacy of a tarnished, unstable, stagnated economy for them for inheritance.  

Just a thought. 

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