Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Season

Every now and then we have these seasons when even Mr Scrooge and the Grinch agree with one another. But then we are faced with where to shop and what to shop for and for that special person, or that someone we are thinking of. At last we have a website that will deliver that special thought transformed into a present to that special person. Shop at where you can never be wrong, we are affiliated with merchants that offer your gift at discount prices, some, without tax and free delivery, all in the comfort of your home. Shop in your pajamas, while watching your favorite tv program, or on the road in the hotel. We respect your privacy and will do everything to keep it that way. So, come and try where you can never be wrong.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Economic Overview

Fed sees stronger growth, holds off on further actions

The Federal Reserve left monetary policy on hold on Wednesday and offered a moderately brighter economic outlook, but flagged risks to growth that appeared to leave open the door for further easing.
"Economic growth strengthened somewhat in the third quarter," the Fed said in its post-meeting statement. "There are significant downside risks to the economic outlook, including strains in global financial markets."
However, Charles Evans, president of the Chicago Fed, dissented from the decision because he believed the central bank should have taken additional policy action at this meeting.
The Fed did not offer any hints that it was considering additional purchases of mortgage-backed securities or a major overhaul in its communications policies, two options that appeared to be on the table.
Hinting that further bond purchases remain an option, the central bank reiterated that it was prepared to adjust its balance sheet as needed to foster recovery.
Analysts will get more clarity on the Fed's outlook for the economy when the Fed releases quarterly economic forecasts at 2 p.m. ET, followed shortly after by a news conference with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.
The U.S. central bank's debate over the course of policy comes against a troubled global backdrop and with the U.S. economy far from full health.
Greece's call for a referendum on the latest eurozone debt deal dashed hopes Europe had finally come to grips with its debt crisis, sending global equity markets into a tailspin.
The U.S. recovery, for its part, remains anemic and could be knocked off course if Europe fails to quell its crisis.
A report on Wednesday showed U.S. private-sector payrolls expanded by 110,000 workers in October, not enough to signal a robust hiring revival, while data on Tuesday showed growth in the manufacturing sector slowed to a crawl.
The economy grew at a 2.5 percent annual pace in the third quarter, a significant improvement over the second quarter's 1.3 percent increase but still too soft to put a dent in the nation's 9.1 percent unemployment rate.
Faced with a still-weak recovery, the Fed decided in September to embark on a program to sell $400 billion in short-term Treasuries and invest the money in longer-dated bonds, an effort to keep long-term rates down.
It also dipped back into the mortgage market by reinvesting proceeds of its real estate bond holdings back into MBS.
Those actions followed an already aggressive series of steps to try to lift the economy. The central bank slashed benchmark interest rates to effectively zero in December 2008 and expanded its balance sheet to a record $2.8 trillion.
More recently, Fed Gov. Daniel Tarullo and New York Fed President William Dudley have hinted at the possibility of expanding the central bank's presence in the mortgage market. It has already bought some $1.25 trillion in MBS.
MBS purchases are seen as even more controversial than Treasury bond buys. Some Fed officials worry targeting a specific sector of the economy encroaches on fiscal policy, and policymakers had previously pledged to return to an all-Treasury portfolio.
The absence of any mention of this tool in the statement suggests there is not enough consensus around the idea just yet.
Related: Full text of Fed statement 
The above article seem to be hinting to the general public that there's hope after all in this unstable economic state we are in.
Should we gauge this in terms of the political season we are experiencing or the reality of the global outlook.

Hope for the future.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Law and Ambiguity

A Pennsylvania couple is suing a prominent medical center after doctors transplanted the woman’s kidney into her boyfriend’s body despite a test that showed she was infected with hepatitis C. Partner of 21 years and father of their 18-year-old son, “He did need it very badly,” Mecannic told “The dialysis was not working well for him. He was not doing well. I just wanted to do whatever I could to help.”Blood test result conducted as early as Jan. 26 that showed Mecannic had the virus. In other words, she knew of her condition, yet elected to continue, volunteered to donate her kidney to keep her boy friend alive. Jan, 26, did she reveal the result of the test to her boy friend? If they she did, why sue the medical the institution?
 It is obvious here that had the institution refused to continue with the transplant, and as a result, lost her boyfriend of 21years, and father to their 18year old son, they would have been sued for failing to perform life saving transplant.
Remember, I am neither a bear nor a bull, I am an agnostic opportunist. I want to make money short- and long-term. I want to find good situations and exploit them. James Cramer 

just a thought

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Financial forecasts and financial projections are estimated future financial statements of the company that presents its expected financial position. Financial forecasts assume that the company will continue to function in the same manner as it is currently functioning and in financial projections there are few hypothetical assumptions about a company's future course of action.
 Based on the above, where does the global economy stands, and who decides the global credibility, and if they so do, who decides their credibility? 
 Our economic stand needs a lot to be desired.Why we have these myopic politicians squabble over the state of economy, and the direction it is going, some mystic force is out there predicting our doom.
We are a nation of agree to disagree, but serve each other, but our new generation of political aspirants have completely forgotten our history, and embraced their selfish,discriminative, secret motives; willing to let greed, gluttony, and mischief takeover service to all.
Create hope and future for our future generations. We don't need a legacy of a tarnished, unstable, stagnated economy for them for inheritance.  

Just a thought. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Capitalism - Politics, economic state - Citizens!

Capitalism - def. An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.An economic system in which capital (the goods or wealth used to produce other goods for profit) is privately owned and profit is reinvested so as to accumulate capital. The dynamics of the economic exchange in capitalism are unique.
   Profit - def  A financial gain, esp. the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something. Benefit, profit

Looking at the above, one can easily deduce the fact that this nation has a long way to achieve economic stability. The politicians seem to be sabotaging our economic growth for their personal gains. By that I mean, if any of these so-called elite politicians has discovered a formula for economic stability, creation of jobs that may improve the ware fare of fellow citizens, why are they then not putting it into practice? Why let citizens suffer? Is that not economic sabotage?. One might call that freedom, but are the citizens not privileged to this information, and how are the citizens sure the formula will work when these politicians are elected to the top position in the nation. 
   If this is a capitalist state, then capitalists is : In this context, I mean quite literally the traditional definition of a capitalist: the person who exploits labour (who are paid wages) for profit.  They are entitle to profit, and they can pursue that gain or profit by any means necessary; including exporting jobs to obtain profit. 
  Understanding the greed of this society and its infinity to exploitation, it is obvious we will continue to have leaders who, because of their hidden agendas will continue to exploit the common citizens to gain capitalist lever of existence and gain for themselves.
  That means,due to the technological development, more and more jobs will vanish, and those technologically uneducated will continue to find themselves unemployed, and be used as political peons for political benefits.        

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Economic Diversity.

The Plight of the Poor

I took time to travel across this great nation, US of A with my daughter, we had a wonderful time together. Something every family, rich or poor should investigate. 
 Not to our surprise we stopped at different neighborhoods along the way. One incident in New Orleans caught my daughter's attention. A store where merchandise prices were not displayed, hence the cashier claimed he had them all stores in his head. Well, this was not a mom and pap store, it was a major store in a a very populated area. We decided to ask why, the pompous cashier, with arrogant attitude, rudely stated, if we don't like it, we should take our business somewhere else; or report to judicial system. It just happened a police officer was in the same store, the cashier turned and directed our question to the officer, who mockingly laughed and said, it was the cashier's store, and it was his right to decide the prices. We made one purchase there, took it to another store where prices were displayed to compare, and the markup was 200%.
The poor have neither the income nor political power to hold anyone accountable for meeting their needs--they are political and economic orphans. The rich-country public knows little about what is happening to the poor on the ground in struggling countries. The wealthy population mainly just wants to know that "something is being done" about such a tragic problem as world poverty. The utopian plans satisfy the "something-is-being-done" needs of the rich-country public, even if they don't serve the needs of the poor.~Arnold Kling
 It has been this way for a long time, while we complain about the state of our economy, we have places like this taking from the poor just to enrich themselves. My daughter and I decided that, while traveling again, we would avoid Raceway 919, where the cashier store all prices in his head.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Economic stalemate

   I have been working for the most of my life, like most of you reading this article. The economic stalemate we are going through now leaves alot to be desired. My opinion of elected delegates to the capital, was to help improve our living or citizen's living conditions.What is going on with our elected officials? Can't we agree to disagree? Leave personal ideas/beliefs outside the door when  go in to vote. It does not matter who the commander-in-chief is, think about the benefits relating to the humans that voted you in. We humans evolve, Why do our elected officials refuse to evolve?
   I noticed how much has been cut out of our educational system. Are we now going to be raising kids who will be applying for jobs using text language? What is text language? How many of our teachers graduated with bs/ba/ms/phd in such language? where are we going? Most of our elected so-called politicians enroll their kids in private schools where this text system is strictly discouraged. Who are these politicians that have completely ignored our rights to good education by cutting funds to schools just to enrich themselves? If your child is in public school and plan to go to college, think about this. Will he or she be able to compete if he/she can only text? The text language is not college approved, YET.
  Cut all you want, but let our children be educated properly, to congress/senate in all state. We will  be rendering our children impotent to compete in the new world if you don't evolve.
  Today is our independence day, remember that.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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website design by Hearst Media Services, all rights reserved © 2011 online marketing: The $2.00? man on Wall Street online marketing: The $2.00? man on Wall Street: " Ever wonder why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? of course , and I think you know the reason, personal, maybe, but bear with m..."

The $2.00? man on Wall Street

 Ever wonder why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? of course , and I think you know the reason, personal, maybe, but bear with me for a minute. We are made to believe that the wall street is for the " elites." The few chosen ones that spin our economy. Well, I doubt that very much. If we don't buy the merchandise that the rich put on the market, they will not be that rich. CONSUMERS, the key ingredient in this whole equation. Most people invested in the wall street market and came out empty handed, some went as far as killing themselves. Why? because, instead of listening to their minds, they took the advice from that expert from the market. Now, remember, your parents told you, "if you want something done right, do it yourself." And if you fail, you blame yourself, but you learn from it.
  Remember that expert you were dealing with? He/She holds the interest of the rich in mind, and is aspiring to be like them, and would do what it takes to keep it that way, and there's no time for your few dollars. Why play with small fish when the market is full of big ones?
   Solution, use what you have to get what you want by doing it yourself. It is as easy as going to grocery store and buying what you want to survive. If you are anything close to poverty, living on few dollars, you will not call a grocery store and give them a list of what you want, and expect delivery without discrepancies. So think about your $2.00? on the wall street market, how hard you worked to earn it, and how it may multiply. Remember, the rich didn't get richer by living large, or giving their few dollars away without proper return.
  Visit and leave comment at my forum and we will continue with this discussion.

Friday, June 24, 2011 online marketing online marketing: " online marketing

Friday, June 24, 2011
It's been a while since I took the time to go to the theater to watch a movie. Being single and working hard does not give a person like me that luxury. I have to spend 2weeks with my angel, the lady in my life, my daughter. what can a father really watch with a 12 year old precious angel nowadays that will encourage a great conversation? Please let me know. The new cars movie on this blog seem good, please educate me on the movie scene.

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It's been a while since I took the time to go to the theater to watch a movie. Being single and working hard does not give a person like me that luxury. I have to spend 2weeks with my angel, the lady in my life, my daughter. what can a father really watch with a 12 year old precious angel nowadays that will encourage a great conversation? Please let me know. The new cars movie on this blog seem good, please educate me on the movie scene.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Money Market news services
updated 6/23/2011 5:56:55 PM ET
What began with a steep drop in the stock market ended with a modest decline Thursday. The Dow Jones industrial average lost just 60 points after being down nearly 240 points earlier in the day.
A jump in the number of people applying for jobless benefits and plummeting oil prices drove stocks lower at the market open. By 11 a.m., the Dow was down 234 points. Then came late afternoon reports that Greece may have reached a deal for a new austerity plan. The Dow made up nearly 100 points between 2:45 and 3 p.m. alone.
The Dow finished with a loss of 59.67 points, or 0.5 percent, to 12,050. The Standard & Poor's 500 index, down as many as 24 points, closed down just 3.64, or 0.3 percent, to 1,283.50.
Index   Last Change
NASDAQ 2686.75 +17.56
S&P 500 1283.5 -3.64
DJIA 12050 -59.67
Quotes delayed 15+ min.
Major Market Indices
Since late April, reports on manufacturing, retail sales, home sales and other economic indicators have come in weaker than economists anticipated. Europe's debt problems and a slowing growth rate in China have also raised concerns about the global economy. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said problems plaguing the economy may last longer than previously thought.
As a result, the stock market has fallen six of the last seven weeks. The S&P 500 is down 5.9 percent from its high for the year of 1363.61 in April.
"This is no longer looking like a small soft patch. It's beginning to look more like quicksand," said Lawrence Creatura, a stock portfolio manager at Federated Investors.
The continued rise in first-time claims for unemployment benefits indicated little improvement in the job market since May, when there was a drop in the number of new jobs created. New applications for unemployment benefits rose to 429,000 last week, from 420,000 the week before.
"400,000 is the magic number and we've been above it for 11 weeks," Creatura said.
Story: New U.S. jobless claims up more than expected Energy companies like Exxon Mobil and Chevron Corp. led the market downward after oil prices tumbled nearly 5 percent. Oil dropped after the International Energy Agency said 60 million barrels of oil would be released from reserves to make up for the loss of Libyan exports. Oil prices had spiked following unrests in Middle East and North Africa, raising concerns that higher fuel costs would slow the world economy.
Story: Surprise oil release targets speculators Companies like Netflix, and others in the consumer discretionary industry were mostly up. Overall, the group rose 0.4 percent. Investors are betting that a drop in oil costs could lead consumers to spend more money on things like movies, restaurants and clothing. Netflix was up 2.9 percent. Chipotle Mexican Grill gained 2.2 percent.
Companies that benefit from lower fuel costs also rose. Airline stocks like United Continental Holdings Inc. and AMR Corp, the parent company of American Airlines, rose more than 4 percent.
The two indexes most tied to economic growth fared better than the broader market. The tech-focused Nasdaq composite index was up 17.56, or 0.7 percent, to 2,686.75. And the Russell 2000 index of small companies gained 0.4 percent. For the week, both are up 2.7 percent.
"We're starting to see that the supply-chain disruptions caused by the tragedy in Japan are easing a bit, and the biggest beneficiaries of that are technology and auto-supply companies" which tend to be smaller businesses, said Burt White, the chief investment officer at LPL Financial.
Among the most active stocks, Bed Bath & Beyond gained 5.3 percent after the home furnishings retailer posted a 31 percent jump in income. The company also raised its earnings forecast for the rest of the year, in part because of cost controls it has in place. ConAgra Foods Inc. fell 0.2 percent. The owner of Slim Jim and Hebrew National brands cut its earnings estimate for the current quarter.
Quotes delayed 15+ min.
Government bond prices were higher as traders shifted money into investments that are considered safe, pushing long-term interest rates lower. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note sank to 2.90 percent, near its low mark for the year. Bond yields fall when their prices rise.
Even so, portfolio manager Creatura says that the recent market slide could represent a chance to pick up some stocks on the cheap. Current prices already reflect reaction to most of the economy's problems, he says. "The most fearful times can be the best times to invest," he said. "It's not only what you buy, it's the price you pay that matters."
Three stocks fell for every two that rose on the New York Stock Exchange. Volume was slightly above average at 4.4 billion.