Friday, June 1, 2012


HyperInflation Survival Guide

A Free Research Report from the Institute For Individual Investors

Peter Bernholz, an economist at Basel University in Switzerland, has studied every episode of hyperinflation in recent history. Poland, Germany, Brazil, Greece, and dozens more ...
report Dr. Bernholz’s work shows that in nearly all cases, there is a common “tipping point” signaling hyperinflation is imminent. It occurs when a country borrows 40 cents of every dollar they spend.
Today, the U.S already borrows 42 cents of every dollar spent.
Hyperinflation is not just a remote possibility. It’s becoming more likely by the day. We have only begun to print our way out of this mess, and prices are already soaring. (ignore the official data; it is biased, as we will argue in this free report).
Look at food prices, which are up 34% in the last year, according to The Economist.
Or simply look around you. $200 for your monthly cable bill, $2 for a soda, $100 for a night of bowling. Yet salaries are stagnant.
Something is fundamentally wrong with the system. And if history is any sort of a guide, it may take another decade or more to sort out.
IMPORTANT: Rampant inflation WON’T be the end of the world.
BUT it is likely to mean a lower standard of living, for an extended period.
There is no easy solution to a 40+ year debt binge. The money must be paid back, and inflation is often viewed by politicians as the path of least resistance.
There may be a period of market turmoil as the economy adjusts to the “new normal”.
This is why it is absolutely critical to have a plan in place to preserve, even grow your family’s assets during these chaotic times.
I’m not talking about just owning gold and silver, either. We like precious metals, but they’re only one piece of the pie. And they have their limitations.
In this comprehensive (and free) report from the Institute For Individual Investors, we will explain:
  • What hyperinflation is and why the ‘Bernholz Line’ is so important to your future
  • How to preserve purchasing power with foreign bonds
  • When to sell gold & silver
  • Why TIPS are a bad inflation investment
This in-depth report, The Hyperinflation Survival Guide, is only available to free subscribers of the Tycoon Report. Our free, daily newsletter offers exclusive financial insight and investing ideas from our entire team. It’s free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
To get your free copy, simply enter your email address below.

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